Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Slash Dismisses GNR Reunion Again, Plus Working with Dylan

In case you missed it the first dozen of times he said it wasn't likely to happen, Slash has once again dismissed the idea of a Guns N' Roses reunion. While this isn't new news, he also discussed a couple of music legends he has worked with over the years. Here is Metal Underground with the report: Metro.co.uk recently conducted an interview with Velvet Revolver/Ex-Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

Metro.co.uk: You've worked with a variety of famous musicians. With whom did you get on best? * Slash: I really got on great with almost all of them. Michael Jackson's record was a special moment, so was working with Iggy Pop, Lenny Kravitz and Ray Charles. A not-so-great one was with Bob Dylan. That was a huge learning experience. I was recommended for a guitar solo on his track "Wiggle Wiggle" during one of his darker periods in the late 1980s. I put a solo on there that I was quite proud of and put an acoustic rhythm track underneath it. When I heard it, only the acoustic track was there. Apparently he took the solo off because it sounded too much like GUNS N' ROSES.

Metro.co.uk: Will you ever work with Axl Rose again? * Slash: I always say "never say never" but it's not going to happen in the foreseeable future.

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